DIA Early Development

It is a personalized program designed for children during their first 24 months of life to promote their growth.

Our goal is to guide parents and kids through activities that will be focused on the development of motor, language,  sensorial and social-emotional skills, creating a special bond between them. 


Weekly Learning

Parent & Child

It is a 12 modules program, each module consists of 6 weeks with a 45 minutes session per week. In which every session the child and parent will receive a personalized guide and material to work on a specific area:

Week 1

Intro to Parent & Toddler

Week 2

Language & Cognitive Skills

Week 3

Gross & Fine Motor Skills

Week 4

Sensorial & Social Emotional Skills

We will evaluate each child to determine their development in relation to their age and the module where the child will start the program. With the result of the evaluation, we will create a personalized plan that will help strengthen their skills and achieve their goals.

The family is guided by a facilitator who will assist them in the use of the materials to play and practice with their child.

Schedule Evaluation

Create Personalized Plan

Grow Together